Financial Regulatory
Change Management

Find out how Ipsos Jarmany can help you to achieve financial regulatory compliance whilst saving you time, money, and internal resource.


About us

At Ipsos Jarmany, we pride ourselves on offering cutting-edge financial data analytics services. We have experience working with Tier 1 banks to help them keep on top of financial regulatory changes. Whether it’s a fully managed service, or additional resource to aid your internal teams, we can offer:

Financial regulation reporting

Financial regulation tracking

Regulatory change analysis

Ongoing regulatory change management

The Challenge

The financial services industry is under constant pressure to abide by ever expanding regulations; governing how lawful operations can take place in the financial sector.

Fuelled by the need to protect consumers and investors, increase market efficiency and provide more financial stability, financial institutions are subject to increasing compliance standards which has led to an ever increasing need to provide sufficient reports to satisfy the regulators. This has instigated a need for more accurate, efficient and higher quality data.

Failure to comply to these evolving regulations can increase the risk of damaged reputation, breaches in data protection and hefty fines.

How Ipsos Jarmany Can Help

As one of the leading data analytics agencies, with financial data analytics experience, Ipsos Jarmany is well-equipped to help you with the end-to-end management of regulatory change projects so you can achieve financial regulatory compliance.

Our tried and tested process includes:

  • Scoping the Risk
    We’ll determine and flag the activities that need to comply with the new regulations and differentiate those that can comply in different ways. We’ll also identify clients who are likely to be impacted by regulatory updates. On top of this, we’ll refresh the data to ensure you always have the most up-to-date scope of the risk population.
  • Creating a centralised project table & dashboards
    We’ll determine and flag the activities that need to comply with the new regulations and differentiate those that can comply in different ways. We’ll also identify clients who are likely to be impacted by regulatory updates. On top of this, we’ll refresh the data to ensure you always have the most up-to-date scope of the risk population.
  • Client Outreach
    Next, we’ll identify which clients need to be communicated to, using data to source the best contact details so that the relevant legal and outreach teams can contact the client. Our dashboard will differentiate between high priority and low priority outreach, and track progress so senior leaders can be kept informed.
  • Tracking Remediation
    Our data analysts will monitor the progress towards full remediation, communicated through clear and detailed dashboards to enable regulators and managers to have full transparency.
  • Archiving Datasets
    Once compliance for the financial regulatory change has been achieved, we’ll archive the report so it’s packaged up and easily accessible for regulators and internal stakeholders.
  • Communicating Learnings
    We’ll go one step further and ensure the reports include the latest contact information for clients as well as detailing learnings, improvements and optimisations for future projects.


At Ipsos Jarmany, we can help you address your financial regulatory change challenges whilst…

Expediting the end-to-end process, enabling a faster delivery of more frequent updates to the data as and when needed

Improving the quality and cleanliness of your datasets, reporting and dashboards, enabling audits to be carried out more easily in the future

Providing you with more granular reporting so different teams can receive the relevant data and stats for them

Minimising the risk of human error by eliminating the need for manual input as we’ll automate the process

Saving you money by offsetting the need for internal resource and training-associated costs, to keep your internal resource up to speed

Work With Ipsos Jarmany and Achieve Regulatory Compliance

Start the conversation today to kickstart a new and improved regulatory change process that proactively keeps you compliant and drives your organisation forward.