Data Platforms

At Ipsos Jarmany, we have built out a team of experienced consultants with expertise spanning data solutions on all of the major cloud providers.

So whether that’s Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform or Microsoft Azure, we’ve got you covered.


What is a Data Platform?

A data platform is a central repository for all of your organisation’s data, and enables you to ingest, process, analyse and present your data. It’s therefore essential for you to have a robust, reliable and secure solution in place that can meet the needs of your business, seamlessly integrate with other systems you use, and evolve as your data requirements mature.

At Ipsos Jarmany, we are technology agnostic and the tools and technology we use are driven by the requirements you have. In particular, our expertise span across the three major cloud data platforms: 

Amazon Web Services

Google Cloud Platform

Microsoft Azure

Choosing the right data platform for your business

With a variety of options in the market, it can be tough to choose the right data cloud data platform for you and your business. As experts in data, here are our thoughts on the main three platforms:

data person
  • Amazon Web Services
    Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a range of powerful analytics services that enable businesses to collect, process, store, analyse, and visualise large volumes of data on a pay-as-you-go basis. Launched in 2006, it’s the most established of the three providers and is by far the most popular solution, with over 33% share of the cloud computing market. If you’re looking for a scalable, reliable and secure solution, with great AI and ML capabilities, then AWS is a great option for you.
  • Google Cloud Platform
    Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a suite of cloud computing services that runs on the same infrastructure that supports Google Search, Gmail and YouTube. It'll therefore come as no surprise that GCP offers seamless integration with other Google products (Google Marketing Platform especially), so is a great option if you’re already using multiple solutions within the Google stack. GCP also includes BigQuery, a fully-managed cloud-based data warehousing and analytics service.
  • Microsoft Azure
    Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing service for building, testing, deploying and managing applications and services through Microsoft managed data centres. Sitting at 21% market share, Azure is the second most popular cloud vendor of the three, and, as expected, it integrates easily with other products within the Microsoft tech stack. Another great benefit of Azure is the relatively low barrier to entry, being less developer-focused than the other cloud platforms.

Find out More about the main players

Learn more about each of the main three cloud data platforms to find out which one is the right solution for you and your business.

Working with Ipsos Jarmany

As experienced consultants, we understand that it’s not just about what we can help you with — it’s about how we provide that help.

One source of truth

We lift the lid on how your data is sourced, managed and used, and bring your data together in one place.

Tailored advice

Every business is different. We listen to your challenges and your needs to understand the best solution for you.


We’re focused on hitting the ground running so we deliver real results and outcomes from day one.

Start a conversation with us today

Start the conversation today to find out how we can help you on your data journey. We’ll also advise you on which data platform is the best option for you based on your business and reporting requirements.