Data Strategy

In the digital world that we live in today, data has become a critical asset for companies of all sizes. Businesses have access to a plethora of data that comes in thick and fast from numerous sources, and to truly leverage the power of this data businesses need a solid data strategy.

At Ipsos Jarmany, we work with you to develop outcome-driven insight programmes that help you build and measurably grow your business.

What Is Data Strategy?

A data strategy is a comprehensive plan that defines how your organisation will collect, manage and use the data at their disposal to achieve business goals. It involves outlining your stance on data analytics tools, data governance, security protocols, data architecture, and more.

A Comprehensive Data Strategy Isn't A 'Nice To Have'

Businesses are built on multiple layers of short and long term plans that ladder up to help you achieve your ultimate objectives. Planning for the future is critical if you want to achieve these goals, maintain growth, and gain competitive advantage. But, if the day-to-day decisions you’re making aren’t backed by data, you’re going wrong. Without data, you’re essentially making decisions based on gut feel, instead of hard evidence and deep insights.

If you want to gain competitive advantage, it’s essential to start molding a long-term plan for collecting, managing and using data in a way that works for your business and the stakeholders using the data, whilst allowing room for scalability. Simply collecting data is not enough.

A well-defined data strategy will enable your business to:

  • Identify areas of opportunity
  • Make informed decisions
  • Drive internal efficiencies
  • Reduce costs
  • Gain competitive advantage

Your Data Strategy should cover
Four Core Areas...

Data Analytics

Data analytics can help you optimise your business performance by implementing analysis models that uncover actionable and meaningful insights from your raw data. By gaining a better understanding of your business performance, customer behaviour and trends, you can predict future activity and make data-backed decisions.

You should consider:

  • What your goals and KPI’s are
  • Who is responsible for data analytics in your business
  • Which tools and technologies you need
  • How you’ll collect and analyse your data
  • How you’ll communicate your data insights to the wider business

Data Governance

Data governance is the process of setting internal standards for how you manage, collect, process and dispose of data. This formally mananged process helps you to ensure your data processes are secure, private, accurate, accessible and usable, and is key if you want to ensure your using your data in the best way possible.

You should consider:

  • What your data governance goals are
  • How to measure your data governance objectives
  • How to implement your governance programme
  • Who your data governance stakeholders are
  • How to secure executive support from internal senior stakeholders

Data Security

With vast amounts of data in your hands, and increasing level of cyber security threat, it’s absolutely critical to establish a comprehensive data privacy and security plan. It will help you gain the trust of your users and avoid exposing yourself to data breach fines, litigation and reputational damage.

You should consider:

  • Conducting a security risk assessment
  • What your security goals are
  • The security framework you need in place to help you meet these goals
  • What your risk management plan is
  • How you’ll implement your security strategy

Data Architecture

Data architecture outlines the structure in which you can develop and implement your data processes. It describes how your data is extracted, loaded and transformed, and sets the blueprint for your company’s data infrastructure. It’s important to have robust data architecture to help you gain a better understanding of your data and how you’ll manage it.

You should consider:

  • How much data the architecture needs to support
  • How fast the system needs to operate
  • What other tools you’re using and how easy it is to integrate the systems
  • How scalable the systems need to be
  • The data capabilities of your internal teams

Additional Resources

Organisations are being swarmed with data. In order for your business to be successful, you need to be able to manage your data properly.

Time to get rid of the smoke and mirrors! In this report we lay out 9 simple steps you should take to make more of the data goldmine your organisation is sitting on.

The existence of data itself doesn’t benefit businesses – it’s what analytics does with that data that counts. Find out more in our latest eBook.

Working with Ipsos Jarmany

As experienced data analytics consultants, we understand that it’s not just about what we can help you with — it’s about how we provide that help.

One source of truth

We lift the lid on how your data is sourced, managed and used, and bring your data together in one place.

Tailored advice

Every business is different. We listen to your challenges and your needs to understand the best solution for you.


We’re focused on delivering real results and outcomes, and we will hit the ground running from day one.

Start a conversation with us today

Start the conversation today to find out how we can help you define and build your data strategy.