Explore Our

Case Studies 

Find out how we’ve helped organisations across multiple sectors harness the power of their data to overcome business challenges, deliver efficiencies and drive growth.

Our client was seeing significant shifts in consumer habits and a rapidly evolving data landscape. We created a solution to help them remain competitive, including merging multiple rich data sources, developing a change management programme and delivering a single source of insights through an interactive dashboard.

A multinational consumer technology corporation was looking for a solution to increase the productivity of their business sales operations unit. We created an AI-enabled chatbot which has already resulted in a 30% reduction in queries.

A global events organisation had huge amounts of disparate data and no centralised system to store, clean or analyse this data. We built a ‘one stop shop’ solution using Microsoft Azure and Power BI, transforming the way they were able to report.

A multinational consumer goods company was looking to increase call centre efficiency by reducing the number of repeat callers. The Ipsos team addressed this challenge by building a propensity model, leveraging bespoke Python scripts.

A global consumer technology company was looking to streamline their sales forecasting process. By adopting a statistical modelling approach the Ipsos team created a solution which reduced the sales forecasting process from 2 weeks to a matter of hours.

A multinational consumer electronics organisation needed to find a solution which would enhance their understanding of their online performance. We built a tailored web scraping solution to deliver broader, and more granular, insights.

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Bringing data together requires technical expertise – see how we did it for this technology giant.

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Contractors get disconnected – we helped this global technology company overcome the problem.

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We helped this FMCG business to fine tune their sales operations, predict market volumes and improve their market share.

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Providing a major international bank with the skills it needs to negotiate Brexit.

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How we brought this tech giant’s data sources together into one version of the truth.

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For this tech company, a deep-level website analysis created uplift in engagement.

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See how our insight served up a better deal for this restaurant chain and its customers.

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go further

Book a conversation with a member of the team today to find out how we can support you on your data journey.