The Ipsos Jarmany Blog

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Building a data-driven culture in 10 simple steps

The term “data-driven” is everywhere. Many people seem to be making a lot of fuss about it nowadays. But rightly so, in our opinion—because if the successful businesses of tomorrow share one thing, they’ll all be data-driven.
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6 Minute Read

A Beginner’s Guide To Web Scraping

Web scraping wins hands down for the ugliest name in data analytics. Oddly enough, it’s also known as web harvesting, which, to our mind, sounds much less aggressive and is a better indicator of what it actually does. But no mind, web scraping seems to be the preferred term, and it’s a vital tool for digital professionals worldwide.
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A Day In The Life Of A Junior Analyst

Meet Louise, a Mathematics student at the University of Bath, who is currently midway through her internship at Ipsos Jarmany. Louise supports one of our flagship accounts as a Junior Analyst (JA), working across EMEA. In our latest blog, she delves in to what it’s like to be a JA at Ipsos Jarmany, what a typical day looks like, and her highlights so far.
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Propensity Modelling – Why You Need It In Your Digital Lives

Starting a blog with the term propensity modelling in the first sentence — or even in the title, for that matter —may not be great for engagement. It sounds rather statistical, right? Perhaps this article is for the data science folks? Wrong.
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Top Tips For Landing An Internship in Data and Analytics

Find out how Steph, one of our Junior Analysts on a 12-month placement, secured an internship in data and analytics, and his tip tips for getting started with your search, the key skills you need to brush up on, and how to ace the interview process.
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Your Essential Guide to Microsoft Azure for Data Platforms

When you read that 94% of businesses worldwide use cloud computing, you wonder what the other 6% are doing. Something must be stopping them. After all, the benefits of the cloud are indisputable.
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6 Minute Read

Beyond Cookies: How To Navigate The Upcoming Apocalypse

Are third-party cookies really disappearing? It’s a fair question since their demise has been gradual, to say the least. Back in 2015, Apple allowed Safari users to install content blockers in iOS, and Mozilla offered Tracking Protection in its Firefox web browser. Then, in 2020, Google Chrome announced plans to cut off support for third-party cookies.
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5 Minute Read

A Guide To Next-Level Product Performance Analysis For 2024

Data analytics for product managers is a higher priority than ever. As we showed in a previous post, product performance analysis allows you to glean deeper insights into the performance of your products and the driving factors contributing to this, enabling you to make more-informed strategic decisions to drive sales and business growth, even in times of increased competition.
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9 Minute Read

Ipsos Jarmany’s Year In Review

2023 has been a big year for the world. From economic uncertainty and the rising cost of living to major advancements in artificial intelligence, you could say it’s been a memorable year. But, whilst all this has been going on in the world, we’ve been focused on making 2023 one of our best yet so we can continue to provide world-class service to our clients and deliver data, analytics and AI solutions to help them drive growth and deliver efficiencies.
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Our Top 10 Predictions For Data and Analytics in 2024

It’s time for a round-up of the changes coming our way in data and analytics over the next 12 months. Before we do though, let’s look back for a moment to 2023, which has been a memorable year for us all.
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7 Minute Read

12 Essential Steps To Be AI-Ready

Want to totally transform business growth and gain massive new efficiencies? Easy. Just add a bit of AI to the mix; it’ll be a walk in the park. That certainly seems to be the message right now. But is AI adoption really that simple?
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6 Minute Read

Demystifying Data Governance

In today’s data-driven world, organisations are accumulating vast amounts of data at an unprecedented rate. This surge in data has led to various challenges, including data security breaches, privacy concerns, and regulatory compliance issues, and if you get these wrong it can have severe consequences, from damaged brand reputation to hefty fines.
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4 Minute Read

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