Optimise Your Ecommerce Performance

Ecommerce analytics encompasses the collection, measurement, analysis, visualisation and interpretation of all eCommerce data.  This can then be used to illustrate user behaviour, maximise revenue, refine your content and optimise marketing ROI on your web and mobile touch points.

Our Ecommerce Solutions


AI in Ecommerce

In the world of eCommerce, harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI) can revolutionise your online strategy and supercharge your eCommerce performance.

At Ipsos Jarmany, we can develop and implement a range of AI solutions that can automate processes and decisions, unlock valuable insights, and identify optimisation opportunities to help you drive your eCommerce performance. This includes:

  • Automatically choosing which digital channels you should be investing in to drive the most ROI
  • Automatically segmenting your customers to maximise their purchase value
  • AI-generated insights that automatically action optimisations that will drive website performance, such as page load speed and content positioning.

We can support you with:

  • Identifying which AI models are best suited to your business needs based on the specific outcomes you require
  • Building, launching and ongoing management of AI models
  • Ensuring your data is in the right place so the model output is optimal

KPI Frameworks

Creating a set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) is an essential step that should be among your top priorities when strategising for your business. 

It is a core starting point that helps to ensure that your respective reports are all laddering up to your main goals – whether it’s for a specific team, department or companywide.

We can support you with:

  • Identifying what your main goals are and how they align with your overall strategy
  • Establishing how to accurately measure these goals and track performance
  • Building out your tailored KPI framework and regularly reviewing this to ensure it’s relevant and useful in measuring your performance
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Tagging And Tracking

Enhancing the performance of your website or app, and optimising your marketing campaigns is critical to the ongoing success of your business. 

To achieve this, it is imperative to track the journey of your customers through tagging. As specialists in Google Tag Manager, Ipsos Jarmany can manage this complete process for you.

We can support you with:

  • Identifying your on-site KPIs – the most valuable actions and conversions users can make on your site
  • Implementing the tagging process and thoroughly testing this to ensure the collected data is accurate and complete
  • Ongoing management to ensure tracking is working at all times, regardless of any website or app changes

Customer Journey Analysis

Journey mapping is essential for understanding how your customers interact with your brand. With Customer Journey Analysis, you can visualise the customer journey in order to identify opportunities for optimisation. 

By exposing the cause-and-effect relationship between touchpoints and marketing channels, you can gain a deeper understanding of how they work cohesively to influence customer behaviour.

We can support you with:

  • Revealing the cause-and-effect relationship of various touchpoints and marketing channels
  • Getting a better understanding of how different marketing channels work together to create customer behaviour
  • Establishing which channels are driving the most effect and therefore where you should focus your efforts
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CRO (conversion rate optimisation)

In order to sustain long-term exponential growth, businesses must focus on continuous incremental improvements that they can implement on their website. This is where Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) comes in.

These small changes can accumulate and lead to substantial improvements across the business, and can help to uncover issues impacting conversions.

We can support you with:

  • Tracking website performance and user journey in order to establish opportunities for improvement
  • Advising on optimisations, such as design of your web pages, improving on-page copy, or adjusting style, tone and brevity.
  • Uncovering necessary improvements in site structure and search tools to make content more accessible

A/B and Multivariate Testing

To optimise the customer experience on your website, it’s crucial to understand their preferences. Conducting live testing using one or more variables over a pre-determined period will give you the answers and ultimately deliver highly measurable ROI. 

At Ipsos Jarmany, we can design, build and manage the end-to-end process for commercial A/B testing.

We can support you with:

  • Identifying which tests to conduct and how to split your audiences into groups
  • Design, implementation and measurement of A/B tests
  • Running multivariate testing to run numerous scenarios at the same time
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Building interactive visualisations across a range of tools, including Power BI, Looker, Tableau and Qlik, is very much an integral part of what we do, and is pivotal if you want to gain a clear understanding of your performance.

Connecting multiple data sources, with both current and historical data, shows you how you are performing against your KPIs at a granular level.

We can support you with:

  • Identifying the best data visualisation tool for your business needs
  • Building out a bespoke dashboard that ladders up to your specific KPIs
  • Ongoing maintenance and management of the dashboard, as well as training if required
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Propensity Modelling

Propensity modelling involves tracking historical user activity and using statistical techniques to then predict future behaviour. It’s essential if you want to improve your eCommerce performance, and enables you to make more informed decisions.

At Ipsos Jarmany, we can create propensity models, using machine learning algorithms, that will track different variables and predict the likelihood of a particular event occurring.

We can support you with:

  • Understanding and modelling customer behaviour
  • Building a model that will predict future user behaviour, based on historical data
  • Identifying which audiences are likely to drive the best ROI, and therefore where you should allocate your investments
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Web Crawlers

Understanding your product’s performance on retail partner websites, together with their positions on search engines, is now easier than ever before with the use of web crawlers.

At Ipsos Jarmany, we can deploy advanced web crawlers that provide a variety of insights, enabling you to make informed decisions that support your business goals.

Key Points

  • Measuring performance, such as images, content, meta descriptions, prices, share of voice, and more
  • Pairing this data with information on how search traffic interacts with your site to identify sales patterns
  • Understanding which elements of search have the biggest impact on sales

Additional Resources

Track your eCommerce performance, including website traffic, sales activity, purchase behaviour and content performance, so you can more easily identify opportunities for growth.

Two thirds of users have stated that a bad website UX creates a negative opinion of a brand in their mind. So, what are some of the key strategies you can implement to avoid this?

As the world returns to normality, consumer’s shopping preferences have changed permanently. Discover how you can stay ahead of the game…

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