Data Governance

In today’s data-driven world, organisations are accumulating vast amounts of data at an unprecedented rate. This surge in data has led to various challenges, including data security breaches, privacy concerns, and regulatory compliance issues, and if you get these wrong it can have severe consequences.

In order to address these challenges and circumnavigate the severe consequences of non-compliance, businesses must implement a robust data governance framework.

Harness the full potential of your data

With Ipsos Jarmany’s data Governance Services

As experts in data and analytics, we understand the significance of having a comprehensive data governance framework; it should form the foundation of your data strategy. Our team collaborates closely with you to establish the right policies and processes, ensuring effective data management, improved data quality, increased confidence in your data, and the ability to make well-informed, data-driven decisions—all while adhering to data security and privacy regulations.

What is Data Governance, and Why Is It Important?

According to The Data Governance Institute, Data Governance can be defined as:

“A system of decision rights and accountabilities for information-related processes, executed according to agreed-upon models which describe who can take what actions with what information, and when, under what circumstances, using what methods.”

In simpler terms, data governance establishes the foundation for collecting, managing, and releasing data for improved quality, accessibility and use. This includes defining the policies, standards, architecture, decision-making structure and issues resolutions process around your data.

A robust data governance strategy is essential for organisations that want to maximise the value of their data assets, maintain compliance, and cultivate a culture of data-driven decision-making. It will help you effectively manage, protect, and leverage your data so that you can benefit from improved overall organisational efficiency, effectiveness, and long-term sustainability.

By implementing a strong data governance strategy, you will benefit from improved:

  • Data quality and accuracy
  • Compliance and risk management
  • Efficiency and cost reduction
  • Data privacy and security
  • Data monetisation

How Ipsos Jarmany’s Data Governance Services

Can Help You

We have experience supporting some of the largest organisations in the world with their data governance. With our data governance consultancy, you can benefit from:

Improved Decision-Making

A robust data governance strategy will ensure your data is accurate, relevant and accessible, in turn empowering your business teams to make more informed decisions.

Efficient Data Management

We'll support you in creating concise guidelines around data ownership, roles & responsibilities, and management processes, ensuring a standardised approach that minimises errors in data management.

Heightened Data Security & Privacy

We work with you to develop a data governance strategy that prioritises data security measures, ensuring trust in your data for both internal stakeholders and customers by safeguarding against unauthorised access or breaches.

Enhanced Data Accessibility

If you want your business to be truly powered by data, then data democratisation is critical. We'll help you make the right data securely accessible to the right people within your organisation.

Save Time And Money

Our data governance consultancy focuses on optimising efficiency, reducing errors, and enhancing precision in your data management, resulting in significant time, resource, and cost savings.

A comprehensive data governance strategy is non-negotiable

If you’re striving to become a truly data-driven organisation, having a comprehensive data governance strategy in place is non-negotiable. In fact, any organisation that handles data needs to implement a data governance strategy.

A key part of governing your data is to ensure you have a solid understanding of your data – and we mean really know your data. 

Ask yourself: Who owns your data? Can you measure the quality and usage of your data? What technologies are you using? And have you documented all your data processes to ensure a consistent outcome?

By having a full and complete understanding of your data, you can start to set out the guidelines and principles that make up your data governance strategy.

At Ipsos Jarmany, we start by conducting an audit to understand how your currently use data, addressing the questions outlined above. We then work with you to build a standardised process for your data management, and help to document this to ensure a consistent approach across your organisation.

Our tried and tested process is comprised of 5 key steps:

  • Step 1 – Define your goals and objectives
  • Step 2 – Secure stakeholder buy-in
  • Step 3 – Establish roles and responsibilities
  • Step 4 – Evaluate your technologies
  • Step 5 – Outline your processes

Working with Ipsos Jarmany

As experienced data governance consultants, we understand that it’s not just about what we can help you
with — it’s about how we provide that help.

One source of truth

We lift the lid on how your data is sourced, managed and used, and bring your data together in one place.

Tailored advice

Every business is different. We listen to your challenges and your needs to understand the best solution for you.


We’re focused on hitting the ground running so we deliver real results and outcomes from day one.

Master Data Governance With Ipsos Jarmany’s Support

Our data governance consultants will help you build a solid and seamless data governance plan so you can better manage your data and establish real trust in it.