The Ipsos Jarmany Blog

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How Data Visualisation Can Improve Your Decision Making

Why do tech giants spend millions on implementing a cohesive data strategy within their business? This article explains all!
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6 Minute Read

6 Ways Third-Party Data Can Benefit Your Business

Third-party data is becoming increasingly important in today’s data-driven world, especially with businesses set to lose valuable insights from the diminishing of third-party cookies, forcing them to look for alternative methods of gaining these granular insights.
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4 Minute Read

Google Analytics 4 Guide: What You Need to Know

Like it or not, Universal Analytics (UA) is on the way out. With a sunset date of 1 July 2023, the current version of Google’s flagship analytics platform will say farewell, ushering in the dawn of a new era defined by Google’s fourth iteration: Google Analytics 4, or GA4.
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9 Minute Read

Looker Data Visualisation: A Complete Guide

To harness the power of data, it needs to be understandable. In our digitised world, data is the key to unlocking deeper levels of understanding about the factors that drive business success. But data can be complicated — especially for large organisations that collect a vast amount across multiple channels.
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8 Minute Read

Our Top 5 Predictions for 2023

It is predicted that worldwide tech spend is due to increase by 5.1% in 2023, bringing total spend to over $4.6 trillion. Amongst other factors, this is largely driven by businesses striving for digital transformation and investing in new technologies to help drive organisational efficiency.
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5 Minute Read

Best Practices for Data Modelling in Qlik

Data modelling is a complicated process. But to make the most of your data and powerful platforms like Qlik, effective data modelling is critical. Without a solid understanding of Qlik data model best practices, however, you could put unnecessary strain on the platform — and never truly unlock the insights in your data.
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8 Minute Read

Why First Party Data Should Be Your First Priority

The sunsetting of third-party cookies has shaken up the marketing and advertising industry. In this blog we’re going to discuss how first party data could be the solution.
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4 Minute Read

9 Advantages of Using Tableau

Every business generates data, but only the smartest ones leverage it to understand what’s really going on in their business and make smarter decisions.
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6 Minute Read

4 Ways You Can Use Data to Enhance Your ABM Strategy

Calling all marketeers. We recently attended the Global Account Based Marketing Conference in London, and it got us thinking about all the ways data can help to enhance your ABM strategy. Find out more below…
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3 Minute Read

How to Measure the Success of Your Marketing Strategy

In order to improve, you need to be able to measure the success of your marketing efforts across a number of different channels. This article will look to broaden your understanding of your marketing performance.
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5 Minute Read

11 Benefits of Using Power BI for Data Analytics

Released in 2015, Microsoft’s Power BI is a popular choice for organisations looking to improve the analysis of their data. Why? We’ve listed 11 reasons!
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6 Minute Read

7 Best Practices for Managing Your Data

Organisations are being swarmed with data. In order for your business to be successful, you need to be able to manage your data properly.
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6 Minute Read

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